Breeze Setup Account
BEWARE OF SCAMMERS & PHISHERS LOOKING FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION - If anyone asks you for directory information, please notify the office. The Church Directory is available only to members and active participants of PDCC for church activities. ​​
The church directory is available by signing up for a Breeze account. In your Breeze account you will also have access to a record of your giving (which only you can see) and an on-line giving system to make giving even easier.
Breeze is free for you to use as a member or participant at PDCC.
You need to be invited in order to create an account in the Breeze Directory. Contact the church office.
To add the Breeze app to your phone or tablet, choose “Breeze ChMS” in the app store. It has an image that is a white b on a blue background.