PDCC groups provide opportunities for service and fellowship.

Called to Care
One of three groups that provide help and healing within our church community.

Church Family Life
CFL develops activities and programs throughout the year, such as Summer Festival and Dine-with-Nine dinners.​

Green Team
The Green Team focuses on environmental issues through projects, community activities, and educational events.

Prayer Circle
One of three groups that provide help and healing within our church community, Prayer Circle meets every Tuesday.

Prayer Shawl
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an active, busy group of knitters, crocheters and sewers providing healing in our church community.

Social Justice
The Social Justice committee works on many issues that arise in our Community.

Women's Fellowship
We meet every second Thursday of the month for devotions, fellowship, and community projects. Join us!

Youth Connect
Youth programs provide opportunities for community and action for youth of all ages.