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Mission of the Month

Each month, as part of our broader program of Missions, Peace Dale Congregational Church supports a local non-profit organization or program focused on addressing needs within the local community.

Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County

January 2025

DVRSC logo.png

We start the new year by supporting a critical organization in our community as our mission of the month. Many of you may remember that Kathy Carland spoke to us in early November about The Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County, a non-profit that is making an important difference in the lives and futures of many women and children here in South County.

From their webpage:

“The Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC) of South County is a Trauma-Informed Agency whose main focus is to help victims of domestic violence break the cycle of abuse in their lives. Each department, Advocacy, Case Management, and Counseling are all here to provide resources, guidance, and support to help victims get to safety, become independent, and heal.”

“The DVRC is working to change the social norms that contribute to the continuance of violence. Our goal is to help a victim break the cycle of violence and heal in order to have healthy relationships in the future.”
“DVRC provides a comprehensive range of services for victims of domestic violence and their children, including a confidential Safe Home, Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing units, a Helpline & Drop-In Center, Support Groups, One-on-One Counseling and Court Advocacy.”

Please visit their webpage at for more information.


We welcome you to donate by putting your gift in the offering basket during the month of January, or you can hit the Donate Now button on this page.

Thank you for your generosity!
The Missions Board


Peace Dale Congregational Church supports UCC Hurricane Relief as our Mission of the Month. You may donate funds by:


  1. Placing your gift in the Missions basket during Sunday service,

  2. Sending a check to the church office @ 261 Columbia Street, Peace Dale, RI 02879 (checks should be made out to PDCC with “DVRC” or "domestic violence" in the memo line), or

  3. Clicking the Give now button on this page to donate online (

Thank you,
The Missions Board 

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