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The PDCC Prayer Circle


PDCC has had an active Prayer Circle for over 15 years. We meet every Tuesday to offer prayers of intercession for you and those you know and love. We start our weekly session taking turns as “Leader”. The Leader offers subject matter for discussion. This may be a Biblical passage, a book reference, a personal experience, etc. There’s always plenty of discussion. We then move onto our Prayer Lists. Our Prayer Lists include prayers for the elderly, those with illness or injury, cancer and those who may need spiritual help. We end with our list of “Joys and Spotlight Moments”. All names on our lists are held in strict confidence. Our lists are constantly growing and changing. Often, a first name is more than enough; God knows for whom we pray. Our Prayer Circle is open and welcoming; please feel free to join us. We meet Tuesdays, at 9:30 am, in the Hoxie Lounge. We keep our church family in our prayers. If you or someone you know needs prayers, please contact the church office at

(401) 789-7313.


PDCC Prayer Shawl Ministry


The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an active, busy group of knitters, crocheters and sewers. A Prayer Shawl is a handmade item created with reverence and blessed before it is distributed. A Prayer Shawl’s purpose is to bring comfort and warmth, transforming a craft into a spiritual practice. It is meant to be a reminder of God’s all-encompassing love that envelops our being. Each item is delivered with an enclosed prayer and personal note. Our Prayer Shawls, fleece blankets and prayer squares have gone to young and old. They have been given to those who are ill or grieving. They have gone to those who are celebrating and rejoicing, such as with birth of a child. They have been mailed to church members as well as their families and friends. Each year this ministry continues to grow. In 2021, 216 item were given, including donations to Hope Health and Hospice, Domestic Violence Center, South Kingstown Police Department, and children in need in a Providence school. In celebration of Valentine’s Day this year, the Prayer Shawl Ministry made 200 items, including scarves, hats, headbands and fingerless gloves. These items were given to the PDCC Dinner Table guests and school children in Providence. This is a wonderful PDCC ministry. If you would like a Prayer Shawl or would like to share your talents, please contact the church office: (401) 789-7313.


PDCC Called to Care Ministry (C2C)


The Called to Care Ministry is a trained group of dedicated lay ministers who assist the minister in their pastoral duties. It is designed to be a three-tiered approach of intervention consisting of individuals in our congregation who send cards, make telephone calls and/or visit those who may benefit from or request -- a spiritually intimate level of care. Life’s experiences may include, but are not limited to illness, grieving or being homebound. Before COVID, members of our congregation would also make hospital and nursing home visits. They continue to assist the minister with updates and recommendations. Called to Care is one more way that members of Peace Dale Congregational Church can be the face of Christ to each other and our greater community. Today, these caring congregants continue the visitor program, training new volunteers and continuing to spread God’s love and fellowship wherever it may be needed. If you would like to be part of the program or would like a visit, please contact the church office: (401) 789-7313

Call to Care Anchor
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